Employees must be trained in the safe operation and use of forklifts.
COMPSOLVE will provide:
Forklift Training: Overview of safe operation, maintenance and capacities of tow motors. Followed by a Question and Answer session.
Training Log: Sign in sheet showing employee signatures and trainers qualifications along with a summary of what was covered in the training.
Forklift Operator Test: Administered by Compsolve designed to make sure that your employees are authorized to operate the forklift
Forklift Wallet Cards/Forklift Certification: All employees who pass the above test will be issued wallet cards valid for 3 Full Years.
Never have to worry about OSHA walking in our doors. With Compsolve we feel they have provided us with the tools to be safe while avoiding costly OSHA violations.
We have used Compsolve, Inc. for our OSHA Compliance for 9 years now and are extremely happy with the service.
I highly recommend Compsolve. We have used them for a number of years. They are very up to date and professional.